Are Delta 8 Gummies Safe?

When shopping, it seems as though there are hemp-derived Delta 8 gummies everywhere. Oftentimes, these gummies are accompanied by pamphlets
talking about the properties of Delta 8 THC. 
And while Delta 8 looks good on paper, does it live up to the hype?

What about the gummies that are made from Delta 8?
And most importantly, are Delta 8 gummies safe?

Primo Vibes 200mg Blue Raspberry Delta 8 Gummies

What is Delta 8?

Delta 8 THC is one of a handful of cannabinoids found within the hemp plant that produce psychoactive properties. According to the National Library of Medicine, Delta 8 THC “binds to the cannabinoid G-protein coupled receptor CB1, located in the central nervous system; CB1 receptor activation may inhibit adenyl cyclase, increase mitogen-activated protein kinase activities, modulate several potassium channel conductances and inhibit N- and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels.”

Unlike CBD, CBG, or CBN, Delta 8 produces the “high” sensation that has made Delta THC cannabinoids so popular. However, Delta 8 is a diverse cannabinoid with so much more to offer than just its psychoactive properties.

What is Hemp-derived Delta 8 THC?

Delta 8 Gummy Effects

Delta 8 THC has become popular in recent years predominantly due to its psychoactive properties. However, Delta 8 also produces other properties as well. Some of their most notable effects include (but are not limited to);

  • Relaxation
  • Neuroprotective activity
  • Appetite stimulation
  • Anxiolytic

According to the Journal of Cannabis Research, “Delta-8-THC products may provide much of the experiential and therapeutic benefits of delta-9-THC with lower risks and lesser adverse effects.”

Side Effects of Delta 8 Gummies

Even though Delta 8 gummies have many appealing properties, the side effects should be considered. According to the FDA, some individuals have experienced adverse effects that include “hallucinations, vomiting, tremors, anxiety, dizziness, confusion, and loss of consciousness.” Other side effects can include dry mouth, dry eyes, and slower reaction times.

Side effects can be caused by ingesting too much of the cannabinoid in one serving, consuming low quality products, or experiencing a combination effect of the Delta 8 product and medication. If anyone consuming Delta 8 experiences any side effects, please cease consumption immediately.

Important Information to Remember About Delta 8 Gummies

Like CBD or any other cannabinoid product, Delta 8 impacts each individual differently. Individuals with lower threshold tolerance may experience some of the side effects listed above. Individuals with pre-existing health conditions or on prescription medication should consult their regular physician before adding Delta 8 to their routine.

Delta 8 gummies can be safe for many individuals. However, shoppers should consider their health, their needs/reasons for incorporating Delta 8 into their routine, and the products themselves before purchasing Delta 8 gummies. At the end of the day, the needs, tolerance threshold, and health of the individual are what determine the safety of Delta 8 consumption.

Where to Buy Delta 8 Gummies

If Delta 8 gummies are a good option to add to your routine, there is one place where shoppers can find high quality, hemp-derived Delta 8 products that are both affordable and delicious. Primo Vibes is proud to offer shoppers a large selection of Delta 8 products, including our gummies. Coming in a variety of flavors and potency options, Primo Vibes’ Delta 8 gummies are a cut above the rest.

Shoppers can find a delicious variety of Delta 8 Gummies directly on the Primo Vibes site. Whether it is our 50mg Blue Raspberry Delta 8 gummies or our 200mg Wild Berry Delta 8 gummies (or any of the flavor options in between), there is something for everyone. At Primo Vibes, our gummies are gluten-free, vegan friendly, and contain no artificial colors or flavors. The hardest part about shopping for Delta 8 gummies with Primo Vibes is choosing your favorite!

Are Delta 8 Hemp Gummies Safe?
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