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Frequently asked Questions

All orders received before 2:00pm (CST) will ship the same day. Orders received after2:00pm (CST) will ship the following business day. Most or our items will ship USPS First Class which is usually takes 2 to 4 days depending on your location.

You may only return unopened products within 30 days of delivery for a full product credit, however, we do ask that you pay shipping for these returns.
If the return is a result of our error, such as if you receive an incorrect or defective product, we will ship you a replacement item/product.

Login to the website then click on the my account tab at the top of the page. Once there on the left you will see Addresses
Click addresses here if your already logged in. Click that link to update your shipping and billing addresses.

Click on the My Account tab at the top of the page and login. On the left in the account area you will se a tab labeled orders. Click there for order updates.

Our support team is ready to help and they can be contacted at

Contact customer support through our web chat option. Explain the issue to them and we will do our best to pull the package if it hasn’t already been picked up.
If the carrier has picked up the package we will contact them and try to have the package returned to us.

We currently only offer sales within the United States.

If you order multiple items in one order yes we will try to ship everything in one package.

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