Exploring Hemp-Derived Alternatives with Primo Vibes

How Strong are Delta 8 Gummies?

Stepping into the world of hemp-derived Delta 8 products can leave an individual with many questions. One of the most asked is how strong are they? This is a great question, after all, no one wants to consume too large of a serving size.

When it comes to Delta 8, understanding how the cannabinoid interacts with your body and how to properly consume it is a foundation that every consumer should know. For those new to the world of Delta 8, Primo Vibes is here to help make sure you are shopping for Delta 8 products with the knowledge and confidence to choose the right options for your needs.

How strong are Delta 8 Gummies?

What is Delta 8 THC?

Delta 8 THC is one of the handful of psychoactive cannabinoids found within the hemp plant. While there are more than 100 known cannabinoids within hemp, only a few products have the “high” effect many associate with hemp’s more potent cousin, marijuana.

According to the Journal of Cannabis Research, “Delta-8-THC differs in the molecular structure from delta-9-THC in the location of a double bond between carbon atoms 8 and 9 rather than carbon atoms 9 and 10. Due to its altered structure, delta-8-THC has a lower affinity for the CB1 receptor and therefore has a lower psychotropic potency than delta-9-THC.”

In layman’s terms, this means that Delta 8 is less potent than Delta 9, making it a more appealing option for those new to hemp-derived THC products and those with a lower tolerance threshold.

What are Delta 8 Gummies? Where can I find Delta 8 Gummies online?

How Does Delta 8 THC Affect Each Individual?

Each person possesses an endocannabinoid system, the part of our body that plays a role in regulating functions like sleep and appetite. According to Harvard Health, “The “cannabinoid” receptors in the brain — the CB1 receptors — outnumber many of the other receptor types on the brain. They act like traffic cops to control the levels and activity of most of the other neurotransmitters.”

Here is where it gets a bit tricky. Just like snowflakes, no two individuals process cannabinoids the exact same. Each individual processes hemp-derived cannabinoid products differently. For example, some individuals may have a naturally lower or higher tolerance threshold than others.

Serving Sizes for Delta 8 Gummies

A typical serving size for Delta 8 starts at 10mg for most individuals. However, since some individuals have a naturally lower tolerance threshold, a smaller serving size may be required. Tolerance thresholds can be built over time, but it is always recommended to start with a smaller serving size and adjust once you know how Delta 8 impacts you.

Once an individual understands how Delta 8 affects them, they can adjust their serving size until the desired effects are achieved. This is a great reason why gummies are such a great option when it comes to Delta 8. Not only are serving sizes easier to gauge than other options, but those with a higher tolerance threshold can find a variety of options that many products may not offer.

Where to Buy Delta 8 Gummies

When it comes to buying high quality Delta 8 gummies, there is no better place than Primo Vibes. Our selection of hemp-derived Delta 8 products has something for everyone, regardless of experience level. Shoppers can expect to find products like:

  • 200mg Delta 8 gummies
  • 50mg Delta 8 gummies in watermelon, green apple, and blue raspberry flavors
  • 100mg Delta 8 gummies

All of these products and more can be found at Primo Vibes. Find a product you love? Setting up a monthly recurring delivery is easy! Simply select the products you want to have delivered and follow the checkout instructions. It is by far one of the easiest and most convenient ways to make sure you always have the products you enjoy on hand!

Check Out Primo Vibes Online!

Have questions or concerns? Our team of dedicated staff members is ready to help you shop with confidence. Send us an email at sales@primovibes.com or use the form located on our Contact page. At Primo Vibes, our goal is to make sure everyone who shops with us finds the products they love and feels confident with their purchase.

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